20 July, 2012

Sharing Good News

Moses told ... all that the Lord had done ...
View daily reading plan: Exodus 18.5-24

When Moses saw the elderly Jethro approaching he went to him, and showed due respect. There is great benefit in cultivating friendships with older saints. We can learn so much from their experience. They can give us direction in spiritual things. Here, Jethro said to Moses, "The thing that thou doest is not good". Moses was willing to listen and to take the advice of the older man.

The report Moses gave to Jethro of the deliverance they had experienced caused the old man to acknowledge and worship the Lord. Younger people can encourage older saints by keeping them informed of the work of the Lord. Elderly believers can engage in prayer even when they are not able to be involved in the work. They can pray for the individuals we have been able to contact with the gospel.

Are we involved in sharing the good news with unbelievers? There is a saying, "It seems that nobody is telling anybody about Somebody who can save everybody". Moses was happy to tell the story of deliverance and we should be too. Do we hide the gospel from the lost (2 Cor 4.3)? Are we ashamed of it (Rom 1.16)? Does the spiritual poverty of people touch us? Think today of the Lord's compassion (Mt 9.36), and the riches He left to make us immeasurably rich (2 Cor 8.9).

(Taken from todays daily portion from Christian Living Today
and how very apt for me this day)